After 14 Years, Productions of Color is No Longer Required to Pay $14,250 Production Supervisor Fee

April 23, 2024

By Eva Stuewe
Productions of Color take over the Mainstage with flowing skirts and vibrant lights with every performance they give. The cultural performances touch on the experiences students of color face on campus and beyond. Despite the impact Productions of Color has, they have a contentious relationship with the UC Santa Cruz Theater Arts Department and the Mainstage.

For 14 years, Productions of Color had to pay an annual $14,250 fee for the “Production Supervisor” position after campus budget cuts in 2009. The full-time position became part-time and working with non-Theater Arts Productions was removed from the position’s scope. Bayanihan, the Indian Student Association (ISA), and Grupo Folklórico Los Mejicas were not permitted to use the Mainstage until they made a payment. To manage the financial burden, they began Productions of Color to pool resources.

On Feb. 23, 2024, Bayanihan, the ISA, and Los Mejicas were sent an email from the Theater Arts Division explaining that the Production Supervisor role was being reclassified as a full-time position. The change means that the University will assume the cost and Productions of Color will no longer be required to pay the fee. Jenaro Ordoñez now holds the position.

Before this change, Productions of Color fought against the imposed fee in negotiations with the Theater Arts Department to preserve their space. Ultimately, the fees were covered by one-time funding from various funding proposals, grants, and support from campus offices.

“This show has been going on for 33 years now and it’s always been a struggle for us to fight for our space as students of color,” said Danielle Padama, a Bayanihan co-chair and writer for this year’s Bayanihan production. “One of the few privileges that we get is to be able to perform at [the] Mainstage [….] Our efforts to make space for ourselves on this campus have really come into fruition because generations of leaders before us have been fighting for this.”
Photos by Abe Muñoz.

The Future for Productions of Color on Mainstage

Zil Arya, a second-year UCSC Student and the ISA co-director, said by removing the fees it became clear that the program was wanted in the space.

“It’s just shocking and so exciting because there’s been a history of fighting to get rid of the cost,” Arya said. “At the end of the day, we just want people to have fun and feel represented on stage, especially when sometimes it can feel like you’re not seen on campus.”

Michael Chemers, professor and chair for the department of performance, play, and design, explained the recent changes to the position and fee.

“Until recently, we didn’t have any funding to support their productions apart from in a very basic way,” Chemers said. “That wasn’t working out. It wasn’t in the best interest of the students [and] it wasn’t in the best interests of the department.”

Shirley Delgadillo, fourth-year UCSC student and co-director for Los Mejicas, said that UCSC’s Mainstage was important for the group to be taken seriously.

“It puts us in a space where we’re able to express our culture to the fullest extent,” Delgadillo said. “Mainstage was made to be able to fully enjoy a production.”
Photos by Abe Muñoz.

In addition to the now eliminated Production Supervisor fee, a proposed change to Measure 11 would provide extra funding to cover Production of Color’s labor and matezrial costs. If implemented, the current $2 per quarter fee that grants students free access to productions and events held by the performance, play, and design department would be raised to $7 per quarter to account for inflation and service costs.

This change would authorize a 3 percent increase to the extra $5 dollar fee per year until 2030, ending in a cumulative raise of $5.79 with a total fee of $7.79 per quarter. This increased fee pays for labor costs that various student groups have to pay when producing shows. If the change to Measure 11 is approved by the UC it will be added to the ballot and students will have the opportunity to vote on it in the campus elections from May 6 through May 17.

Padama addressed how Productions of Color functions beyond financial necessity and explained that they will continue fighting to make space for themselves.

“We agreed that there will always be a need for solidarity,” she said. “There will always be a need to fight for our space.”

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